At UTC Swindon we strive to ensure our students feel safe and supported. We want them to know who they can talk to and how to access support both in school and from outside agencies. We seek to educate and empower young people to be aware of their rights, social responsibilities and make healthy and informed life choices.

Our staff are trained to recognise and report safeguarding concerns and in the use of our CPOMS reporting system. Training is refreshed each year for all staff with a session from our trained DSL as well as offering online provision for child protection, Keeping Children Safe in Education and Prevent training which staff can access at any time. This annual renewal of training ensures all staff are aware of any changes in legislation and are able to offer the best support possible to our students.

We encourage open communication with students and their families who are able to contact staff directly when needed.

Parents or students who have a concern they would like to discuss and aren’t sure who to talk to should contact Hollie Danby on or you can find further information in our safeguarding statement below.

Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy can be found on the ALET website Policies area:

UTC Swindon Safeguarding Statement