Curriculum Intent

UTC Swindon is part of the Activate Learning Education Trust (ALET). All staff across the Trust are involved in delivering the key values of Enterprise, Empowerment, Connectedness and Transformation and Learning Philosophy of Brain, Emotion and Motivation. At UTC Swindon we believe that our core attributes of  Respect, being  Organised,  Constructive  and Kind allow us to make connections that support our understanding of the world around us and our place within it.

UTC Swindon’s vision is to ‘transform lives through learning’ by providing an excellent education that promotes academic, technical and employability skills that allow our students to be successful life-long learners.

Our students benefit from a focused and rich curriculum with Technical Engineering, Cyber Security and Digital Technologies at its core. The curriculum is designed to support industry for the next generation of STEM specialists by empowering our students to think and act confidently and with professionalism and succeed by meeting the future demands of employers.

Learning at UTC Swindon is designed to meet the needs of the scientific, engineering and digital industry sectors.  Employer engagement is embedded into the curriculum to enrich the student experience, allowing for the development of knowledge and technical skills.

All subjects collaborate to identify knowledge, skills and thematic links that enable students to embed transferable skills. UTC Swindon prepares students for the jobs of tomorrow that are driven by technical needs in areas of high skills and demand.

UTC Swindon is an inclusive environment.  We treat every student equally regardless of their academic, emotional or physical challenges allowing learners to fulfil their potential.


The curriculum offered at UTC Swindon is designed to both inspire the next generation of engineers, computer programmers and entrepreneurs, as well as provide academic and vocational qualifications to support students’ progression.

In order to achieve this, we continue to work with industry partners to design opportunities for students to experience industry-led projects and challenges that complement subjects studied and facilitates application of knowledge and problem-solving. Consequently, students develop a range of skills and attributes that are much needed in engineering and related careers, thus providing a competitive edge when students complete their studies with us.

Every student has an entitlement to work experience, as part of on-going projects as well as a two-week block at the end of Year 10 and 12.


Year 10


Year 12